Tuesday 17 September - Jaipur

I stayed at the hotel while Larry visited the museum and other sites; he has written it up him self below
[  We met our guide, Mahendra, together but Janice was not up to the morning tour.  We first had a photo-op at the Hawa Mahal, the Palace of Winds.  It was built as a viewing place for the sequestered ladies of the court to view the excitement of the city.

We then went on to the Jantar Mantar, an unbelievably large assortment of astronomical/astrological instruments which on a sundial basis allows calculation of planet movements, time of day down to seconds, latitude and longitude etc.  Marvelous collection but on a scale that defies imagination.

Then off to the City Palace, still the home of the royal family,  but now a museum of 19th century men's and ladies gowns and military weapons.

We visited an artist exhibit as well and with great resistance I sat for an explanation of the artist's techniques with natural dyes and a single hair brush.  He did a free sketch for Janice and I but unfortunately I was led to buy an excellent elephant painting and because I was the first customer of the day he threw in a second free drawing of an elephant on genuine 19th century rice paper legal documents which he bought in bulk at auction (really!)

Back to the hotel to see Janice. Skipped the lunch at the Spice Court Restaurant but Janice is feeling a bit better so we hope to make it back to the Rambagh Palace for dinner.
In the afternoon the hotel staff brought Janice 2 dozen roses to make her feel better.  I think it worked as we will make dinner tonight ]
In the evening we returned to the Rambaugh Palace for dinner, and again it was just great.  I didn't eat much, but what I had was delicious.  This time we sat outside on the terrace where we had an excellent of the dancers.
All Photos of the Day

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